LOCATION. Lot 14, Southfork Dr, Glenning Valley. FUNDED BY. Wyong Shire Council. DURATION OF WORK.
periods in March-June & December 2000. WEEDS REMOVED. (majority) * Ginger lily - Hedychium spp.
* Small leafed privet - Lingustrum sinese * Lantana - Lantana camara * Japanese honey suckle - Japonica lonicera
* Rhus tree - Toxidenium spp. * Wandering Jew - Tradescantia albiflora * Ochna - Ochna serralata
OTHER WORK COMPLETED ON SITE. * Planting where regeneration was slow took place,Acmena smithii was planted
from seed propagated from the Glenning Valley area. * A Flora species list was added to during work to the site
(a diverse range of native plants, unmatched by some other sites worked on in the year). CONSERVATION
SIGNIFICANCE. * Meleluca bicanvexa listed as a threatened species was found on the site. * Ripogunum
faucettianum and Tetrastigma nitens are also present, both are species of special significance in the area.
ABOUT THE SITE. In the past the Southfork Dr. site has had major disturbance accounting for it's current
high weed infestation. In the 20th century the area was logged and used as farmland for citrus plants. exotic plants have
invaded due to this disturbance in native cover also exotics have spread to the reserve from surrounding gardens. Some parts
of the site were developing a monoculture of weeds (esp' privet),making the regeneration job quite difficult. Work was done
in stages over the first year to allow for regeneration of native species, this in comparison with it's initial state at the
beginning of work has been successful.It was recommended that work continue in stages for up to 5 years, to allow the native
species to take hold of this site more vigorously.